July 24th 2024: Invisible Observers

Team members can now join moderated sessions as an invisible observer without logging into the PlaybookUX platform. The team member will be able to see the participant, but the participant will not be able to see them.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 10.42.23 AM.png

Customers will need at least one person to join as a moderator to start the session/observer stream.

This feature is available on the Pro Plan.

July 11th 2024: Five-second Test/X-Second Test, Matrix & other survey enhancements

Five-Second / X-Second Test

A five-second test is designed to help you understand a customers first impression of your website, prototype, or design.

While it's called a "five-second test," you can customize the length of time that participants can view the image.

https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1110399665/021aa2e22dc72648694eb9ea/Screenshot+2024-07-11+at+10_43_26 AM.png?expires=1720714500&signature=1abffd6bb52fa78ccc9a2089d84773fe76b295d9ba4885b6e2c7da53822adaf9

In a five-second test, participants are shown an image for a certain number of seconds. Then, they are asked follow up questions. The goal of a five-second test is to assess the participant's recall and first impression of the test asset.

https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1110416931/952dcaf7640ae763996be7e3/Screenshot+2024-07-11+at+10_55_14 AM.png?expires=1720725300&signature=1155e24583077701bfa67b99444b22a33e1f27142b0c7d8c989d6bf499678b9b

Matrix question

During a survey, you can now ask participants a matrix question (stacked rating scale).

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 4.23.46 PM.png